
Laurel/ Bay Leaf

Laurel or Bay Leaf is an important spice I use in my recipes. I have to buy a small seedling from a nursery for this one because obviously it won’t have seeds and I know it would take a long time for me to even try to grow it from cuttings. I just have to…

Leaf Celery (Kinchay)

My favorite herb to put in noodles is leaf celery or kinchay. It is a Chinese herb and it is a symbol of good fortune during the Chinese New Year. It adds a wonderful flavor to stirfry and all kinds of noodle recipes. I use it together with green onions. Their flavors combined makes food…

Lemon Basil

Lemon Basil is an herb you might want to include in your herb garden. It has a wonderful smell of citrus and basil at the same time. I always want to grow this herb so I can use it to add some zest in my tea drinks, hot or cold. Keep it well watered. Pinch…

Flat Leaf Parsley

Flat Leaf Parsley is more commonly known as Italian Parsley. It is also one of my favorite herb that I use in cooking pasta just like the Sweet Basil. They are very good to use together especially in making pesto and also in almost all pastas and most Italian food recipes. I make sure I…