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Baguio Beans
We call these delectable green vegetable Baguio beans because they are mostly grown in the Mountain Province where the temperature is cooler than the lowlands in the Philippines and Baguio City is the most popular destination during the hot summer months.
This is the pumpkin now after I helped it to be pollinated (notice I have also long beans in the same trellis). Two weeks after I hand-pollinated the female pumpkin flower, it has grown and almost ready to be picked. That’s one of the things that keep me going when it comes to gardening. Patience…
We call the jackfruit “langka” in the Philippines. I consider it as the biggest fruit ever. When I was young, we nicknamed it “hog” because sometimes it grows as big as a pig. I remember my grandma’s jackfruit tree in the farm and the fruit almost touches the ground. I also remember eating the fruits…
Water Chestnuts
Water chestnuts are synonymous to Chinese cuisine. They are the ones that makes water chestnuts popular all over the world except we only see them mostly in cans. Once in a while you will see them in Chinatown but you probably will not recognize it because they look like the corms of certain flowering plants…
Banana Heart
Banana – (Musaceae) is by far the most widely known fruit in the world and the most cultivated. The varieties of banana is so wide it is divided into 10 groups from the cavendish type to cooking bananas called plantains but the Philippines also have the cooking banana variety we call “saba” or “popo’ulu” in…
Catch of the day Veggies
I have been gardening at the community garden for more than ten years now and once in a while, most of the vegetables I grow give me fruits at the same time which is what I actually wished for. My rationale is that way I will have enough to cook one dish at least that…