
Prizehead Lettuce

This is my latest experimentation on lettuces. I bought the seeds just because of the picture. I thought it would look good in my lettuce garden bed. So after a few weeks, I am starting to harvest them. In combination of other types of lettuce plus the arugula, it makes the salad more appetizing. It…


I just picked the matured pumpkin (kabocha/kalabasa) today, the one I posted last May 12. But unfortunately I only have two fruits from this vine because some kind of virus or fungus attacked the plant. So I will have to remove everything so as not to contaminate other plants. My cucumber were hurt too but…

Winged Beans

I sowed the winged beans seeds together with the long beans and hyacinth beans last February. The long beans is almost finished producing but the winged beans are just starting to flower and I just saw one bean. Because the seed of the winged beans is so hard, you need to scarify it or soak…


Taro plants are commonly grown here in Hawaii but it seems hard to find if you want to make your own laulau. So I decided to give it a try and plant some. The root or corm is actually given to me by a Tongan friend because that’s all she have in her garden. I…


The bittermelon plant in my garden really took off so fast because of the recent rains that we had. I actually had been gathering the fruits as well as the leaves which we use in soups like mung bean soup and chicken tinola which locals call Chicken Paraya. I have done a little research on…


This is the pumpkin now after I helped it to be pollinated (notice I have also long beans in the same trellis). Two weeks after I hand-pollinated the female pumpkin flower, it has grown and almost ready to be picked. That’s one of the things that keep me going when it comes to gardening. Patience…