

My garden neighbor planted some corn in his garden and he had some leftover seeds. He was nice enough to offer if I want them. I gladly accepted right away and plant them. He said he got the seeds from Japan when he was there. I figure it would be nice if I can have…

Green Papaya

Papayas are very common here in Hawaii but most of them are for eating as fruits. Meanwhile we use the green papaya as vegetable. It is a different variety of papaya not like the “Solo” or “Sunrise”. This type is more elongated in shape and actually bigger than the Hawaiian variety. Just like the Thai…

Pole Beans

I like beans, long beans, green beans, winged beans I like them all. But I always have more fun growing pole beans. There are also bush beans variety but I prefer pole beans because it gives more yield I think. I just transplanted these on the ground. Normally I would plant it directly on the…

Malunggay/Moringa Fruits

Last January I featured Malunggay/Moringa leaves as one of the best green vegetables. This time it is the fruit. Malunggay fruit is green in color about 10 to 12 inches long and about 1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter. When you open the fruit, it would have three sides with white meat and tender seeds….


I took this picture of mangoes when I went on vacation in my hometown Iba, Zambales. This is the real mango that we know of. The rest we call Indian Mangoes. But we also have a type of mango that is huge compared to the regular variety and we call it “Dinamulag”. The word came…


Jicama or singkamas is one of the favorite snacks during the summer season together with watermelon, cantaloupe and pineapple not to mention mango. In our province in Zambales, there is a town called San Marcelino which is the main producer of this succulent, crispy and sweet jicama. Lots of buses and cars stop in the…