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Bird of Paradise
I went to the hospital the other day for a follow up and I just saw this wonderful flower on my way to the entrance. I just have to take a picture in appreciation of its beauty. The plant is in the family of Bird of Paradise.
Orchid Flowers
Orchids are very unusual plants. The more you care for them, the faster they die on you. But leave them alone and water from time to time and they would delight you with flowers that lasts long time. I always leave the orchid plants outdoors in the garden and when it blooms, I would take…
Orchids have been amusing us with their unsurpassed beauty and assortment of colors depending on their variety and even today, I always get amazed by their tenacity to be the focus of attention of so many flower enthusiast and gardeners like me. I am not a collector but I admire their beauty so once in…
Lavender Field
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Passionfruit Flower
I have high hopes this flower will soon be pollinated and become a fruit. The variety I have in the garden is the yellow type. Apparently there is a purple type but I haven’t seen any yet. I love having “lilikoi”(Hawaiian name for passion fruit) in my garden. The fruits I gather can be made…
Ilang-Ilang is probably the most fragrant flower on earth. It’s the secret ingredient in most signature perfumes especially Chanel, I learned. Ilang-Ilang or Cananga odorata is a tropical tree indigenous to the Philippines. It grows tall to about 40 ft. in height. In the forests where they grow well is acidic in nature so they…