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Pink Rose
I took this picture at our friend’s place using only the camera on my cellphone. I just have to take a photograph of this lovely flower. It reminded me of the old-fashioned roses my aunt used to have in her garden. Did you know that rose flower petals are edible? It’s good to sprinkle in…
Moth Orchid
Moth orchid is my favorite among orchids because the flowers last long enough to add beauty and color to your home. After the flowers fade set it aside and try to nurture it and if you’re lucky it will bloom again like this one. I have this orchid plant in the lanai for quite sometime…
Nasturtiums are my favorites among the edible flowers. They taste distinctively like a wasabi, strong, peppery and pungent. These flowers are good in garnishing your green salads making it more palatable. Nasturtium flowers have a wide array of colors and this is one of them, salmon pink. I also have maroon, and the most common…
Pink Hibiscus
Hibiscus flowers are pretty but lasts only a day unfortunately. That’s why I have to take a picture of this fleeting beauty as soon as I see them open in all its glory. I took this while walking home from the garden. You’ll be surprised as to what you can find just by strolling around…
Heleconia is a tropical plant that has about 89 species and about 350 varieties which 98 percent is native to the tropical Americas. The plants can be dwarf and grows to 1 1/2 foot, and some are tree like and grows up to 30 foot high. Here in Hawaii most heleconia grow wild and invasive…
Sampaguita Vendor
I took this picture when we went to Laguna, Philippines a few years back. This is a typical sight outside Catholic Churches in the country, vendors selling sampaguita leis. Parishioners likes to buy them as an offering to God or their favorite saints. Sampaguita or Pikake in Hawaiian is made as leis for other occasions…